tidal wave gonna cover me
OOC; No worries. ;D
Mine is bound to be short as well. Not feeling too good. =/

"You'd be surprised," She'd said. He highly doubted that. Even if he might succeed in being accepted in a pack, he wouldn't last long. Either they'd find out about his past and become afraid and kick him, or he'd screw up, and they'd make him leave. If neither happened, he'd begin to become restless, and have urges to run, like always, and then, upset that he was always gone, they would kick him. That was just his luck. Either way it went, he'd always end up becoming a loner again. He hated the title, true as it was. He didn't know why, it just didn't suit him. He'd decided long ago he wasn't going to try to join any packs. They'd hate his presence. They'd always be weary, watching him out of the corner of their eyes, checking behind them to make sure he wasn't near. He couldn't live like that; being a menace, the source of fear. Packs were supposed to be safe, and you were supposed to feel safe. He couldn't intrude one and change that.

He heard her voice shake slightly as she spoke. He took her words in, listening carefully. She didn't seem to be entirely confident of her words, even as she spoke them. Well, the last part at least. He knew the first part was very true, as much as he wished it to be something different. He wished so badly to change his past, and even, maybe his present state. He didn't want to be this; a monster; something to be feared. At her words, his eyes dropped to his paws. He was silent. Thoughtful. He couldn't be sure, but he believed that there was a greater meaning behind her words. She was in the same place as him? The same trouble? He doubted it. But, trouble enough. Or, something like that. He dared not ask, though.

Maybe he'd listen to her though, but first, he'd have to figure out how...

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