[M] SNAP!!
OOC- Set today?

The male wasn't hiding himself very well. Perhaps because he didn't know the Spaniard was watching him. The gold male lay in the bushes with his head on his paws. He was tired and bored, deciding to spread himself out on a dirty floor, wasn't his best idea, but it was as good as any place to relax. 'Hey' he greeted the newcomer as he stood, yawned and shook the dirt from his flanks. He strolled into the open and dumped himself next to the male, no caring if he went for his throat. 'I'm J'adore Austral'. He took his time shifting, watching his hind legs lengthen almost as if he was hyponotised and shaking his mane and it grew and fell in his eyes. He pulled it back and balanced it behind his ears. 'How you feeling?' he asked. J'adore himself was feeling as if he'd just sniffed a pound of crack, but as Valinta had warn him, if she ever caught him with drugs he'd be in deep crap. She didn't specifiy. She didn't need to. He was treading carefully around her as of recently, she was now at a stage were she was prone to flip out at him for no reason. He treated these as the norm and carried on. It was nice to be away from his family, for once. He didn't have to rush around for Vee and he could be his own man. And god did it feel good!

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