[M] SNAP!!

Yep, sounds good to me <3 image credit

A sudden sound called out for the attention of the male, whom, in an instinctive move, drew out the hunting knife from his ankle holster, rose the fur from his neck and down his spine, and rose his tail in a vertical position, in a warning.

Purple eyes instantly found the source, pupils contracted in a threat, pearl white fangs exposed to the dim light of the day. A deep, gutural growl sprouted from deep in his chest. The form of the fellow wolf was small built, but some muscles were showing beneath the beige brown fur. Dark brown spiked mohawk styled mane adorned the head and neck of him, the color inking his back and shoulder, to the tip of the tail, and a pale beige belly and chest completed the coloring. His eyes were white orbs, so the Russian couldn't tell if he was blind or not, but wouldn't hurt his chances on hoping he couldn't see. The precise direction they pointed at him didn't look like one of a blind wolf. And a twisted scar crossed his left eye. From where the intruder earned it, Liev sure wouldn't waist time in asking.

The other offered his name, and asked how did he felt. An intruder, and a nutcase? That surely was not good....

"You. J'adore. I do not wish to rude to you, even less have to chase you out, but I must inform you're inside Anatheman territory, and trespassers are not allowed here, and one can only enter under the invitation of a pack member, which I believe you have not been. Therefore, I'll politely ask you to leave these lands, for your own safety." The male spoke, his thick accented voice serious and almost scary in it's coldness and lack of emotion. Purple orbs stared intently at grayish eyes, showing he would not be making the same verbal warning again.

Though the other did not appear to be much of a threat - he carried no weapon of anykind; close to him, at least -, but he knew better than anyone it was the crazy ones that were the most dangerous.

Of course, like Skye Collins said that day, searching for her parents, he might not know a new pack had settled there. Just like that. But now that Liev had told him so, all he could say was that he did not know and leave. Not that it would happen, just like that. One could be much more stubborn and thick-headed than that, but one could hope. And he sure hoped he would not have tto shed blood today. He just wasn't in the mood to, but if he had, so it would be.

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