Foreigner [AW]

OOC: Sorry for the shortness of post Sad


Jaden would have left the stranger alone, for it was obvious to him that she wanted to be left that way. But he was so intrigued by the female and the look she had bid him that he could not stop watching her foreign movements. The look was what mostly caught Jaden’s mind. That look of suspicion. If she was suspicious of Jaden, why had she not said a word? Why had she not investigated him in this unclaimed territory? Since Jaden had not seen a canine of her liking, he was also convinced that she was not from any place close. So the Alaskan wolf stood and began to slowly follow her up the cool coast as he thought.

While he pursued her, he made no attempt to mute his steps. He wanted to be noticed. The Optime could not figure out a solid reason why he was following the eye-catching hybrid so he hoped she would stop and acknowledge him. The real reason he followed and not one he acknowledged was his want to stay distracted. He didn’t wish to think of the wolf he still had to kill, or what he could possibly do with his life afterward. So he thought of her and sped his walk so he could catch up the small distance ahead of him she had gained.

Jaden had a general dislike for canines smaller than himself. Minute feeling about their in superiority to him still rang ture, but he put those aside as he approached this luperci.

“What is your name?” He asked as he got close. Jaden wasn’t sure what else to say.

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