Foreigner [AW]
Quote:OoC: WotD 1 Pt. Attempt: "Vulpine"

That same intense amber became thoughtful. Wary. Slightly curious. The eyes flickered to the side, then back to Jaden.

"Correct," she answered. "I speak the English language with fluency. What you heard was called 'Arabic' by Man. It's not of use to you in these parts."

An arrogant sentence, perhaps almost aloof? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. A vulpine trick, meant to confuse him while she walked off? ...Not really. In fact, the matter-of-fact statement seemed quite out of place. Old habits loosening her tongue? A vague area when it came to yes or no. She was too used to talking, perhaps. All she knew was that she had just sounded like an utter smart-aleck.

"Why is it that you have stopped me?" asked the jackal-wolf, turning around to properly face the male. She held herself with confidence, staring at him unflinchingly, neutral but with a bored sort of bias. "If this is packland I find myself on, then I shall remove myself as soon as I can. However, I was told it was free to wander on, and that the two packs that border it are not for a few more hours. Unless, of course, I am mistaken further?"

Surprisingly, that bout of speech had been the longest someone had got out of her in a few days. Rewdeynetya might have remained silent, but the question needed to be asked. Perhaps the amount of other-musk that had swarmed the area was the result of getting too close to a gathering place? If so, she needed to make haste and get out of there. She would rather not stare down a horde of territorial dog-beasts in a land she barely knew.

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