teetering [private]
Quote:OoC: WotD 1 Pt. Attempt Post: "Vulpine"

Quote:“I envy your independence,” she said simply, her words more mature than her age. “I still am trying to adjust to living away from my father.”

"Do not," said Rewdeynetya, unimpressed by the mutt's "maturity". She was overthinking the nature of her own kin. "There is nothing to envy. You are a Luperci. Act like it." The older one's eyes did not leave the horizon they headed for as she spoke.

Quote:The brief mention of another luperci made her curious, but she voiced the question quite timidly. “Was this fellow a friend or a traveling companion?”

"Neither," said Rewdeynetya. "They were there, now they are not. They've moved on, having their own realities to deal with. 'Friend' and 'travelling companion' would not be the best way to describe them." Again, perhaps too much detail, but the young one wasn't dealing with any other loner. Rewdeynetya survived first, feeling what was felt as an afterthought. There was no point in trying to explain that, on the scale of lone existence to pack existence, she was at the far end. In her mind, her words, her actions and how she carried herself should have sent the message to anyone else. She was more like North American stock than Old World stock — acting as any animal standing in the background might act. A touch of vulpine thought here and there, but no great gambits to play out anymore. If she ever shifted into Lupus, keeping her ability to speak human under wraps, she might have just been another, odd-looking feral.

Again, there was silence between the two. Rewdeynetya showed no signs of tiring in answering questions. Perhaps a small part of her was pleased with the wolfdog; there were many who had pushed her buttons at first meetings. Some did it intentionally, some were trying to be too friendly, and some were just too thick as to realize she was a solitary soul.

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