Carefree habits
Out of Character

Coding by Sie
wc 610. I don't mind at all. Big Grin

In Character

Jensen had circled the little town twice over now it seemed. The red and white male had managed to get a decent grasp on what the outside of the town looked like in all directions for about a mile. He had found every tree, every rock and made sure to make a little mental note for each one. What good was living in a pack if you didn't even know where you lived? He lived here, and he was going to call this place home. He sure as hell was going to make sure he knew what it was like. How sad would it be if he was asked to go somewhere and didn't even know what they were talking about? Jensen wasn't going to be made a fool like that. Names he;d have to be told about, but he was more worried about the visuals. What was a name without a picture to glue it too. Useless. That's what it was.

The European man turned on his heels to head back into town. His tail swayed behind him as a melody of a tune began to play in his head. The fingers on his left hand began to twitch to the notes. He felt suddenly compelled to go home and play his violin. He would cook first. He was hungry and he had managed to catch a nice rabbit to make into a stew earlier that day. He licked at his teeth in the thought. It would be nice, simple, but nice. The hunger he felt was not on his brain, but it was not urgent. Music still seemed to overpower the need to eat on most occasions. Jensen walked at a casual speed, his orange eyes not seeming to linger on anything in particular. Jensen's ears perked up as he heard the tuning of a guitar. The sound was coming from inside the city. Why would someone be tuning it outside? The sound wasn't exactly alluring.

Jensen found his way back into Thornbury and let out a briefly amused chuckle as he saw a black and white man sitting atop a horse. That was not the amusing part, the part that he had his eyes on was the little black sheep trailing behind. The sight was a bit strange, the little black creature nipping at his foot. Well, wasn't that a peculiar sight. The Irish man kept walking in a relaxed demeanor until the man caught his attention in words. The horse approached and Jensen stopped walking along the street without much of a care. He wasn't exactly in a hurry. "The name's Jensen O'Callaghan. I guess I'm new here." The man was relieved to finally meet another male. Sure, he loved all the females and the attention from them but come on, there had to be more males around here than just Shawchert and himself. Mars was proof of that. "Looks like you got a follower." Jensen grinned a crooked smirk as he glanced over to the black sheep. What was he calling it? Axel? So it was hit pet? Odd. Sheep were eaten where he came from. Having one as a pet seemed....impractical to Jensen. Jensen saw the guitar he carried and nodded to it. So he was the one who had been tuning. It was a nice thing to know. Playing with other people was always a fun habit. "This is a bit of a weird place to be tuning a guitar.... and on a horse at the same time. Odd, but cheers for the originality." He chuckled softly as he took a step closer to the horse mounted black and white male.

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