ashes to ashes
Something was wrong. Iskata wasn't thinking rationally, she wasn't making sense. Had something happened? Had her search for her lost child been in vain? Perhaps she held Phoenix's abilities in higher regard than they actually deserved? Regardless, there was concern in his eyes.

"Iskata, I do know him. He wouldn't have lied, not about this. He cares about you and the children more than anything else, it's completely in keeping with what I know of him that he would go searching after the fires died down. He wasn't even fully conscious when I dragged him out of Storm, how would he have known about those within?" It was almost like she wanted to not believe in him, like she wanted him to have done wrong by her. The older wolf didn't understand this inclination, didn't understand why she wouldn't give her mate the benefit of the doubt. He had never been a disreputable wolf, to the contrary, he'd been one of the most stand-up people in the valley.

"Iskata, his powers are great, but he is far from omnipotent. He stumbled across my mind once, at a time when he lost control and his mind ranged out as far as it could without restraint. He didn't step into my thoughts until he was a few dozen meters away. There's no way he could be aware of the entire valley from where I put him." There were many sixth senses: the ability to see spirits, the ability to see the future, the ability to see thoughts, the ability to see past, and many others besides if stories were true. But none of these people were gods, and none of them were without limitation. He knew that Phoenix's odd trait had been potent, but it hadn't been nearly so potent as she seemed to suggest. Skoll had seen it at its peak, when all control had been lost and he completely failed to restrain it, and the range hadn't been very great.

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