kaleidoscope heart

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Savina was still struggling with everything that had happened to her family in the past days. Though her physical state was better than it had been. Silvano had finally convinced her to eat and he had been bringing her food whenever he caught some. The Marino matriarch was amazed at how much her boy had grown and matured since the accident, he nearly seemed like a whole new wolf. The mother was extremely proud of how her son had reacted to all this, but at the same time it made her a little sad. Silvano was still young and by right he shouldn't be having to act so grown up right now. She hadn't been able to keep the cruelties of the world from her newest children for as long as she had hoped. She had never expected something like this though, for something so frightening to befall one of their littermates and then for their adoptive brother to run away. It was a lot for an adult to handle, much less someone their age.

The Consul had been in her comatose daughter's room, as she almost always was these days, but Cambria had returned from Cour des Miracles and now she and Amata were teaming up to make their mother go take a breather. Sometimes Savina might have fought a little harder, but she didn't want to be obstinate against her two healer daughters and quite honestly she didn't have the energy to put up any sort of resistance. Reluctant as she was to leave Artemis' side, the sable fey walked out of the sleeping girl's room and out into the hallway. It was colder out here, and a chill prickled her skin. Had the fire in the common area gone out? That wouldn't do. The alphess moved to walk down the stairs to get the fire blazing and heating the large house again.

When she reached the common area though, a huddle figure caught her attention. Parker was sitting on the chair in the empty room, the fireplace cold, with a blanket wrapped about her shoulders. A sudden bought of guilt washed over the Italian woman, knowing that she had been neglectful of her sweet, quiet girl lately. She walked over to Parker and wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. "Hello sunshine," she said quietly.

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