row of captured ghosts
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She was glad that the pack was prospering. She had never thought that so many wolves would come to their borders seeking a home. Some had come from lands far away, some had returned to her as family and friends did, and others had come from packs in the area, seeking a new way of life. She appreciated her pack members, as without them she would not be a leader, but gave them rules to follow and duties to do for her as well.

Naniko had been a leader in the past, but she had always had a sub-leader or co-leader alongside her to get ideas from and to give her advice about the pack. Azalea had been doing a good job of that, but she couldn't help but wonder if the pack couldn't use another leader along with the two females to help even things out. They were growing quickly, more quickly than she had ever expected.

She spotted the male coming down the hillside and stopped in her walking, watching as he zipped past her and continued farther down the hill. What was he doing, exactly? Naniko had been sprayed by a few bits of mud as he had passed, and she picked pieces of dirt out of her pristine fur as she approached. "Having fun?"

Table by Jenny!

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