Home, sweet home

Word Count-403

She didn’t have very many friends around here and she didn’t know very many people, so each new coyote of wolf she met was another friend. She though of everyone she knew as her friends unless they were overly mean or just plain disrespectful. She hadn’t met very many people like that and hoped that she wouldn’t in the future, but every handful of coyotes their was a bad one and everyone was probably going to met one of them in their life time. Her father could be one of those bad ones, but she had yet to decide what she really thought about him. That was the first time she didn’t imminently like someone and if he hadn’t of been her very own father she would have probably tried to stay clear of him, but he was her father and she was going to have to accept that.

Talitha’s words brushed softly across her ear. She had heard of the caves by the river deep in to the cave system, but really hadn’t given thought to one of them, but now that she was thinking about it she did find the thought of living in a cave by the river nice and calming. She would be able to go to sleep every night to the sound of the river and get up in the morning to crisp clear water of the river. She had always loved water and sand epically if it was ocean water. She really didn’t like to swim in it, but she loved to just sit there and watch the waves role in as she smelled the crisp, salty air. River water wasn’t salty and it didn’t really create waves, but it still found a way to calm her.

“I think one of those caves will do nicely.” She spook with a great deal of innocence in her voice and followed it with a soft smile that reached her eyes. With that she turned and was about to take a step when she noticed that she had completely forgot where the caves were. She had known where they were at one point, but she had been away for a year and had forgotten most of the land marks. She turned slowly back towards her distant cousin that may have been removed multiply times. “Could you show me the way.” She asked nicely tilting her head slightly to the side.

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