Curiosity of the Wondering Mind
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She had never met a writer before, and as he went on, she suddenly became curious. How was he a writer...yet...he didn't write? She found that very odd and actually a little funny. A large smile came to her features as he body began to relax some with his question, and statement on not being a luperci. Why he told her, she didn't know. She certainly hadn't asked if he was a luperci or not. Then it clicked,if he wasn't a luperci, how could he write? That was why he told her. Sometimes she was a bit slow on the uptake, but at least she didn't say anything about it yet, so the male had no idea what was going on in her little skull. "..actually, yes," she began as her mind suddenly flashed to how to she learned how to write, " taught me." She wasn't sure if she should have called her mother..or mom, so in the end mom fit better. The memory wasn't pleasant, not many memories of her was, but she showed no sign of this unpleasant feeling.

Her head turned as another came upon the seen, she was in her optime form, her coat seemed to be mottled with blackish gray and silver. Well, that was how she described her. Adonia found herself always being corrected on shades of colors. What she thought was blue, some called lavender. She didn't care much, to her it was blue even if it seemed to be slightly lavender to others. She wasn't necessarily startled by the other, but she was feeling suddenly uncomfortable and wanting Shawchert to show now. She didn't know any of these others, and she wasn't sure of them. Granted they seemed friendly and all, especially the coyote, but still, Adonia never did well around strangers.

Her eyes didn't meet with the new female, she kept them down; submissive. Her ears stayed back and her tail remained tucked close to her and guarded her body. ", you hadn't startled me any.." Her tone soft and uncertain. If this female before her was shy, next to Adonia, she looked confident.


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