[M] SNAP!!
J'adore shook his head at Alaki's comments, turning to Liev, the male who was honourable enough to let him walk, he spoke simple words. 'Liev, help me', he wan't a coward, but maybe his pack mate could keep him at bay. He wasn't in the mood to fight, everything was going right for him. He had smiled at Alaki's joke but the realised who he was dealing with and drew it into a neutral scowl. Perhaps Liev would gain his respect by helping him out, J'adore opened his mouth 'Didn't know this was your pack...' Not point in lying. If he had the necklace with him he may had fended him off with the returning of his trinket, sadly his downfall was the fact that it was on his table. He thought for a second, 'I have your necklace, it was broken when I found it. I repaired it for you, spare me a fight and I shall return it now'. Would he believe him? It was worth a try. Maybe he was decent enough to trust a man who had no intentions to fight. 'Leiv can come as back up for you...' Alaki was silent and Liev, another pack mate may have been the way to go. He gulped slightly and frowned, hand slipping to his knife.

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