J'adore saw the stranger approach, saw them backing away. His eyes stayed down and he mumbled 'Sit, please'. He gestured to the seat opposite him, he was sitting in a booth. The Spaniard closed the book and flicked his milky eyes to the newcomer, 'J'adore Austral' he stated. He didn't mind a newcomer, but he felt that the girl was looking for some alone time. A breeze whipped through the broken windows, spinning several spider webs allow the way. 'I'm not going to bite...' he added with a smile, 'Care for a drink?' He had loads of drink in the bar, vodka, wines, ales, ciders, chapangnes, cocktails and J'adore's stash of Absinthes, which of course he wouldn't reveal. 'Or there's, some Khat in the cupboard' he added throwing up the keys and catching them, over and over. He didn't mind sharing his drugs, he shouldn't really have been taking it, but he didn't usually dip into his stash, even if he was venturing to the ship. It was usually for drink anyhow. He had taken to keeping his alcohol on the boat, in a locked cupboard. He would have pup(s) running around soon and if Valinta decided to raise the in AniWaya, it would be a bad idea to keep children and alcohol in the same house...

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