[P] Sing a Song of Something

Out of Character

Coding by Sie.
ooc text: Woo. Big Grin Just a heads up, Elaine's in her Lupus form.

In Character

Elaine sighed with contentment as she rolled over, her back against the ground and belly facing the air. She was resting on the porch of her new, wooden home. She beamed; she liked the idea that this was her's. A striped cloth laid under her to separate her body from the cold wood, sporting red, blue, and faded white colors, and the American flag was keeping her quite protected from the chilly floor. Having a quiet lazy day was one of the many joys in the Lovato's laid back life, forgetting all about the pressing concerns like winter while the sun warmed her caramel fur. She could not recall having a day like this on her three month journey to 'Souls, and she missed the care-free lifestyle she lived with her parents, but she knew she had to stop acting like a homesick pup and take her own lead in her life.

She was taking this day of relaxation literally, or at least for her standards. She decided to have a break away from her guitar, with it being tucked safely away in one of the small rooms of the home. These days, it'd seem that the wooden instrument was hooked to her like an extra limb, no one yet seeing her without it slung over her back, the only reason given was because she missed her father and mother; her sire had given the item to his pup when she left home. But, she convinced herself to stop being a worrywart and try to lay out in the sun to trap some heat in her dark fur while she still can. Though it was past the beginning of winter and was reaching over the halfway mark, there was some tinge of chill in the air that foretold that colder days are to come, though Elaine had no idea how bad it would be soon.

Giving a stretch that unclenched muscles that were starting to get stiff, her nose twitched as she scented something out of the norm of the smells she had been detecting for a while, like old wood, snow, and dust. She rolled back over to her feet, and stood up to get a better look at what her nose was trying to tell her. Not very far off, she spotted a canine walking in the snowed-in streets. But, his features looked foreign to her, and never had she seen a coyote, nor a hybrid of one. Elaine reared up on her hind legs and gripped the railings of her porch with her dark fore paws, and called to the male,"Greetings!" The wolfdog have yet to meet any one of the pack members, besides Shawchert and Skye, though it is to be expected, since she was a newcomer and it was usual for the high ranks to get to know her.

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Word Count: 466

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