don't sing me your songs about the good times [p]

543, table by shannon <3 and it is fine as the 30th

Itzal was not one to stay in his pack territory. He loved to explore. And he often just went where ever his feet took him. And today they had taken him to this place. He was not sure where that was but he ended up there. Itzal looked around and sniffed the air, trying to pick up some sort of scent. He could not pick up anything, but smiled when he caught Pontiac's own scent on him. He loved wearing it, and it always kept her on his mind. Of course she was normally on his mind without her scent to help, ever since he had confessed his love for her. He had only known her a short while, but already he was moving to her pack for her and would move in with her. It was crazy, but he was ok with crazy. He need some of that in his life, and Pontiac was amazing. He shook his head to stop himself from day dreaming. Itzal was saddened sometimes, cause he felt that he did not deserve Pontiac. He did not deserve a lot of thigns, like the right to live and be happy. He had killed and taken others happiness so much, it was almost a crime for him to have any of his own. But he did not regret falling for her, or letting her make him feel happy. He was blessed to have her, and would not question it, not matter how much she deserved better then him, he would not question her decision. She choice to love him, and he was happy she did.

Itzal was deep in thought, just walking a long when he noticed the pup. At least she was a pup to him. She could not be his age, meaning she was not even close to a year. She seemed to be thinking about something, and he wondered what she was doing out here all by herself. There were dangerous things out here, himself included if he was in a bad mood. Lucky for her he wasn't, and was not likely to slip up and kill her. He would not have liked himself anymore if he did. But he pushed those thoughts aside and moved closer to her. "Hello. What are you doing out here all by yourself? It can be dangerous for pups out here all alone." He forced himself to sound concerned when he really wasn't. By the time he was seven months old, he had already been living on his own for a month, and had already killed. He knew how dangerous it could be to be all alone, but he also knew how everything was like alone. It was all he had ever been before he came here. Alone, and nothing. He was still nothing, but at least he wasn't alone. He smiled at her, sitting down to wait for her reply. He wondered where he was anyways. Maybe this pup had gotten lost from her pack, or maybe she had run away. She did not seem like she had been on her own for long, so she was probably just out adventuring. Itzal wondered if she was an orphan? Probably not, he was one of the only ones he knew.

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