M - Step Up, Ghetto Blaster
Out of Character

3+ Some humor for mentally distressed Cotl!

In Character

It wasn't the most intelligent thing to do, leaving the manor in a state of sobriety -- or lack there of. Talitha Lykoi cackled softly as her feet stumbled off of the porch, landing her into a heap of russet fur and snow. The whiskey hadn't been good to her that day. Despite the rather embarrassing display of her lax coordination, a smile remained glued to her cream muzzle, crimson eyes wild with emotion held back by her more common solemn walls. She pushed herself up from the freezing ground, shaking her head free of all melted winter cover with quick motions. As the cold soaked into her bones, she heaved a sigh; it was not where she wanted to be. The whole point of drinking had been to make things enjoyable, but the snow took that idea and hurled it out of the metaphorical window.

Inferni's grotto became a place of interest, a new feature on the face of her beloved home. It could ward away the cold, she was sure, and it was certainly better than sitting in her bedroom with the draft that came in through her window. The trouble would be reaching them, and sure enough she stumbled again into the snow in an attempt to take steps in the right direction. Another burst of laughter escaped her maw while she pulled her body back up onto two feet. Clearly the task was going to be more difficult than she expected.

After several moments, and even more falls into the freezing snow, she managed to find her destination. The mist that hung around the springs was thick, made worse by the cool air that hung outside of them. Definitely a better choice than standing outside of the D'Neville manor in the snow. Her smile grew, taking some careful and wobbly steps. Without watching her footing, she glanced about. It seemed quiet, and lonely, until an all too familiar outburst made the Lykoi woman jump and fall right into one of the pools.


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