
WC: 690

She had risen with the sun, as always, departing from her sister as quietly as she could, certainly not wanting to wake the pretty girl from her peaceful slumber. Their home was still new, but in reality, it was merely a place to sleep, and to convene with dear China. Otherwise, the girls tended to wander on their own. Or Sage did, at least.

Sage had grabbed her bag and placed it's strap across her chest, carrying with her several joints she had prepared the night before, some matches, as well as her sketchbook and a few pencils. She really didn't need much else. The girl thrived in situations which required her ingenuity, so long as they weren't threatening. Her imagination ran wild, though, sometimes.

Bringing the first spliff of the day to her lips, the tawny Lykoi girl looked out at the bleak landscape, a large plume of smoke billowing from her mouth as she exhaled. The sun was up, but the clouds were thick and heavy. Overnight, the ground had become blanketed in a thick layer of ivory. It made everything quite pretty, really. But, oh, it was so cold. Realizing this, she quickly darted back into the room, swiftly and silently grabbing her thick rabbit fur blanket, wrapping the thing around her and her tattered, leather hide clothing.

The girl walked serenely and quietly, but with some intent. She didn't exactly know where she was going, but wherever it was, she wanted to get there soon. Her feet were already getting chilly. The forest was one of her favorite places, but the lack of sunlight was sometimes obnoxious. Today was one of those slightly annoying days. Sage would never admit to being annoyed by the weather or the landscape, of course, because deep down she believed that mother earth's plan was always perfect. Her superficiality shouldn't get in the way of that.

Suddenly, though, she heard yelling; an unfamiliar voice. She stopped her hazy steps, her mind taking a moment to register this new sound, her large, dark chocolate ears swerving to catch the noise. The man was screaming, seemingly furious, about the lack of indigenous water. His yelling was silly, of course, and he was obviously new to these lands, because there were plenty of bodies of water here! And the pretty girl would be happy to help him find them.

She followed the noise for a moment, but he wasn't far, and soon she came upon the owner of the voice. A dark, bright-eyed creature, probably a hybrid of some sort. He smelled vaguely of Inferni, and she could almost notice Kaena's scent on him, and suddenly longed to see her grandmother. The girl approached slightly cautiously, but obviously friendly, raising a small hand in greeting, curious head bobbing to get a better look.

"Hey, there, love! There's no need for all that fuss, there are plenty of water sources around here. I can show you, if you'd like..." her voice was light and airy, but barely loud enough to reach him, with the slight space between the pair.

When he didn't appear hostile, she neared him. He seemed tired, and perhaps hungry. It was likely that he had come quite a long way to get here, so maybe he might need some help. Yellow eyes scanned his body; he looked a bit underfed. She noticed around his neck that he wore a skull. Peering closer, she realized it's species, and her face brightened up.

"Your necklace is very interesting. Those birds are such elegant creatures." she smiled gently, her eyes now wandering from the necklace to his tired face, noticing the rip in his ear with slight sadness. "Ah, what happened to your ear, there?" she asked, almost worried.

The joint had been resting between her fingers, and only now did she bring it to her lips with grace, taking a quiet drag before exhaling. She glanced and it, and then up at him, offering the thing out with an expression on her face that said she was willing to share.

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