Hanging By A Limb
She glanced up at him, listening intently to his story, she half grinned Thier stories werent so far off. Both had been hated for what they were. She shifted alittle when it came to her turn she in turn, sighed as well "Well, I was born to a pack of normal wolves much like you, but as you can tell I was no normal wolf. It began when my mother and father met. He had just inherited the pack from my grandfather and my mother was a lone luperci that he became infatuated with. He had brought her into the pack when she was injured to be taken care of, and the pack didnt approve of her cause she wasnt "Pure of Blood", they saw luperci as a vicious disease rather than a adaption."

She shrugged unhappily, she never liked her pack. "My father was promised to another since birth, but instead he chose my mother as his mate, because he loved her and not the promised wolfess. The elders were furious, but, because he was alpha there was nothing that could be done. From the pair there was a litter before me, my brother and two sisters, but I was born alone." She grinned alittle."The pack had had enough, the female he was promised to...her name was Avery. She had never forgiven my father for picking a filthy woman like my mother over her. So she led an attack against my father. She had him killed and my mother and me imprisoned. I wasnt allowed to learn how to shift like my siblings, I was to be an outcast. A few months later, Avery grew tired of my mother disobaying her orders so she had us attacked and run out of the pack lands. On our own." Anger grew inside the woman, she looked up at the wolf male. She wondered what he would be like as a luperci otrus......She came back to the conversation at hand.

"Over a month, my mother taught me how to shift and live on my own, she took care of my wounds but hers became infected so....she died. I was on my own for a while before I came accross this place..." Her mind flashed to the time when DaVinci found her. The scrawny pup he brought in was nothing like how she was now. "A member named DaVinci of this pack brought me in. He took great care of me, as did many pack members, when he left I lived with my friend Anya, slowly though, I grew away from them and I wanted to find my missing siblings. So I left for a while. After a year, I became homesick of this place so I came back...and here we are today." She half smiled, wagging her tail slightly at him. She felt that she could trust him.

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