Say it ain't so
Soon out of sight, he stooped down and watched for a minute. His deep purple eyes scanning Niro's body, mannerisms and surroundings. After studying this for a moment he looks around himself. In a quiet that would creep one out if watching, he picks up a rock. Holding it in his fist, fingers latching around. He examines his hold, satisfied he would not pinch his fingers and that the rock was suitable for his desire. He slowly stands, his eyes and face, if looked upon, seemed distant. His gaze barely shifted from Niro, when it did it was only to study the ground which he tread upon.

Curving around so that he was directly behind Niro he began to come in, slowly at first. Once he was within a shorter distance he began to run lightly, about the speed of an average jogger, but with light little hops. His vision tunneled, he observed no others at this moment. All attention focused on Niro. As he almost reached Niro, he lifted his arm, holding the rock. Then...

The lunge! making a great speedy lunge at Niro, he brings his arm down. If aimed and timed right, plus his assumption Niro would've heard the lunge, the rock should slam into the back of Niro's head. Dazing or knocking out Niro was the first goal. After that would be the fun. Argul felt the ecstasy of the moment. Pure adrenaline and the power. He would soon be in control of another's life. Oh the power one feels with that. Blinding twisting pleasure. And even more so, the moments just before that. The attack and struggle to pin the opponent...nay, not the opponent, the victim! This is their only moment to fight back, the only time he could lose the power. The gambling moment. After that is when they are weak and helpless. Begging for mercy.

His eyes wild, and distant. Lips curling in excitement. Jaw clenched, teeth gritting. His other hand goes in for a grab to keep the victim close. Full claw extension meaning to grab flesh at any cost. Although Argul is not that big of a wolf, the site would remind one of a wild feral beast attacking it's prey viciously.

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