[P] Pride vs. Prejudice

OOC This crap, but at least I figured out some of Bao's personality progression. :x If you don't like how this ended I can change it. WC: 465

Too flippin' cold! Apparently, he lacked all common sense to run for the hills and hide at the first sign of cold weather. He absolutely hated it, but here he was freezing his butt off as he tromped through the trees of D'Arte like a lost puppy. Ohh, an idiot he was. It had to be some sort of miracle that he wasn't frozen to death, right? Miracle or not he was alive, yes? Or maybe this was all just some bad dream and he just kept going around in circles until he woke up safe in a bed back in Italy. ...Alright, that was a bit crazy he had to admit that.

He disliked seeing the white shade his breath took as he exhaled out into the chilled winter's day; it simply bothered him for no reason. Or more, it was another sign winter still hung strong was the reason he did not like it. As always the boy's steps were careful seeming as he put great thought into each and every single step he took as he moved along memorizing every little out of sheer boredom.

Now, like any other great assassin before him he was taught not to show such simple emotions such as boredom, but if one paid close enough mind to the young male's wandering eyes the slightest hint of boredom and something else laid within their bi-colored gaze. A slight shiver ran up the multi hued Italian as the wind blew wrapping it's icy hands around his skinny body chilling his organs to a slush feeling. Another sigh, another white puff exited him as he continued such aimless wandering.

By now the trees started to look the same, all dead and lifeless at winter's touch. His mind started wandering back to the thought of some permanent homestead since he would likely stay in this area the rest of his life. And at the moment it seemed the elements would kill him more than another, or age if he continued sleeping outdoors, too. He'd gotten pretty use to the ground and now found it oddly comfy, but those bed things... Much warmer than the ground.

Today he seemed rather careless and his senses were also quite dull at the moment, a cold? That would be the last thing he needed, getting sick... So he was much more oblivious like a child to anything else then usual when he was alone. His eyes continued to watch the trees not even paying mind to his foot placement anymore, proving this trip would end quite oddly.

As he continued he grew more oblivious completely unaware now he was approaching upon another packmate. He was quite stupid now and before he knew it his foot made contact with something fuzzy. Oh, what was this?

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