Hvgesvi Nv Hia Galohisdi

The order can become a little sporatic after this since Oceane is scare and Sanuye is just plain gone >-> Jeez, you were right; she DOES have terrible timing >< Also, please forgive me for starting this thread; it was just something that Ralla would logically do >.>

Much to her slight disappointment, only J'adore seemed to heed her call. Not that she wouldn't settle for the Gata Hineyu, but she had hoped to expand her lessons to the others as well. Ah well; expectations breed disappointment. "Hello, J'adore. Actually I wanted to begin regular lessons with you all; maybe once a week...?" Glancing around as if to reconfirm her earlier observance as well as alert J'adore to it, she shrugged. "Although it seems like it's just you and me for now. I hope you don't mind, but this actually presents an opportunity." The white wolfess paced for a moment, pondering on how to begin. "While I can't write out the language for you, we can certainly begin the spoken language." And with that statement came a deceivingly innocent smile that said 'Beware, for my lessons will be like lessons from the devil'. Oh, Ralla could be strict where she needed to be, have no doubt. It was when she had to face a dangerous situation or extreme conflict that her courage got dicey. As it was, it was her duty to ensure the Great Fire's existance and continuation of its traditions. And some of them would do no good unless those who would succeed her knew the language.

She motioned for the male to sit on the logs as she paced again, wondering where to begin and looking rather silly, since serious didn't fit her character all that much. "So, based on what you've told me, your lore knowledge is what I've already taught you and you have no AniWayan linguistics?" Oh, if the wolfess could've heard herself, trying to be all proper and matter-of-fact. "In which case, you're slightly ahead of the game. But! A lot of the prayers are in AniWayan, so we will begin with...the alphabet." The last words were said with an almost mock ominous tone, just to amuse herself a little. Remembering her own training days, learning different languages and even practicing things--repetitively--had not been the most enjoyable task. But it was required, and would leave them both the richer for it. Knowledge was like a never-ending fountain; it slaked one's thirst and filled one closer and closer to the brim, an end never within sight with more insight following closely behind the first sip. "Which is coincidentally not actually learned in the conventional way... The first things to learn are the vowels. First is 'a', as in our english 'father' and AniWayan 'adadoda'. Repeat?" The lessons wold be simple, starting with the basics. Yes, that would be how Ralla would do it; simple and easy. The Gata Hineyu's did, after all, have their other duties to attend to, and since Ralla only planned on them meeting once a week, she couldn't overload them with more than necessary. "It can also be a short 'a' as in 'rival' or 'tsayi', which means brass." Ralla was secretly proud of her extensive progress on the language. In the beginning, Chief Dawali had humored her when she began to question some of the prayers and stories. Thereafter, she had self-taught herself, listening to some others in the pack use the language and finding that its bases were not that dissimilar from her native tongue, however much she had struggled to find those bases at first. "'Gata' in 'Gata Hineyu' is a good example. 'Gata', of course, means 'fire', and is one of many words for it. It has the 'ah' sound on both ends."

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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Table by Meghann!


[Image: RallaP-1.png]

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