Warrior's Glory

Do you think we could end this in the next post or two? :3


Hybrid felt her retaliate and he tried to snap at her in return. However, his angle was poor so he was unable to get a really good shot in. If anything, he just hoped to wave her back with his snaps and bites. While she tried to intimidate him, he realized the only way he could get out of this was to intimidate her in return. He thrashed and moved and began to roll back and forth in an attempt to gain momentum. As he did this, he roared loudly, snarling and screaming with all his might. He hoped the sudden loud noise would scare her back and give him some breathing room.

As he tried to get out from under her, Sepirah tried to get off from on top of him. Neither of them was in a good position, and although she had pinned him to the ground, it didn’t give her much to work with. So, when he felt Sepirah’s weight shift, he immediately pushed himself away and out from under her. He skirted back around in time to see Sepirah rolling over, her belly exposed and in the process of rolling onto her feet to stand up. Hybrid took two bounding steps closer and ringed around her so that he would loom over her stomach and so that he could snake his head between her legs and bite her stomach and neck.


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