One of These Days.

WC: 301 3 points

She scolded herself for acting like a coward, chancing a glance up she saw his distress written on his face and felt bad for making him feel bad. It was a law in he birth-pack that staring directly into anothers eyes constituted a challenge but as she thought she wondered if maybe other pack's it wasn't such a bad thing. "On, no i'm sorry, it's fine, it's just where I'm from looking into anothers eyes promises bad things". she ducked her head again, feeling even worse for her attempt at an explanation,wondering if she should just keep her mouth shut.

She listened to his description of where he was from, her ears perking and swivelling, interested in this place that was always hot and never cold, she couldn't begin to imagine a place where it didn't snow. Steeling her nerves she looked up, if he wanted to look into her eyes then he could, if it did no harm to either of them, she didn't feel that her mismatched blue and amber eyes were much to look at though. She noticed now that he was avoiding her eyes, and felt some gratitude that he was trying not to scare her anymore. She kept her head up and her eyes focused on his face until he looked up, allowing him to look into her eyes if he so wanted. She voiced a question that she had been wanting to ask, unsure whether or not it would offend him.

Keeping her eyes upon him she asked" I hope you don't think me rude, but I was wondering how did you come to grow so large? Most of the wolves i have met were nowhere near your size" She tilted her head to the side and dropped an ear down in her customary interested look.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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