I'm walking on sunshine!!!


The wolfess chuckled as he made the comment about getting use to everything, some wolves were meant to live in the comfort of dens and some in the comfort of cabins. She couldnt blame him for being alittle suspicious, she wasnt use to it till DaVinci took her in, but sometimes, once a wolf gets use to it, they just end up prefering it more.Granted she did miss living in the occasional den now and again, but she still enjoyed the comfort of her home. Ren looked out the window for a moment, realizing that the snow had definatly picked up, she frowned alittle, she didnt like the deep snow. Kami's voice drew her back, She smiled and shook her head alittle "To me, my bow is a tool, not a weapon, less someone were to threaten me or my pack....and sadly no I didnt make it. It was gifted to me by my brother Vulcan, made by the finest Irish craftsman in all the northern region" She smiled, and slightly chuckled again. She was happy to answer Kami's questions, she welcomed curiousity.

Her ears picked up the tea pot, squeaking its ready in the kitchen, and got up to go remove the water from the heat. Once that was done, she did the usual routine of grabbing two cups, she had found that she had been having tea more with people than herself, and poured some water in, fallowed by the tea herbs. She checked on the heating meal, and nodding with acceptance, took it out, placing it in two bowls with some biscuits from the other morning. When she felt the tea was ready she removed the herbs carefully with a spoon and put alittle sugar into each. It always made the bitter drink taste better. Finally, with satisfaction she grabbed the bowls and cups, and took them into the other room where Kami was. She set a cup and food in front of him and nodded happily "Here we are, nice and warm"

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