
WC:500 5 points

The Goddess must have been watching over Jace that morning for as the tree fell towards her, she stumbled backwards, falling into a groove of the earth hidden by the snow. Instead of crushing her flat the tree was instead stopped by the earth, sealing her in the small hole in the ground, although she did not escape unscathed, her leg was trapped underneath the tree as well as her tail, and one of her ears had been shredded by the branches, the trunk colliding with her head enough to knock the sense out of her.

The first thing Jace was aware of as she came to was the sound of digging, a harsh panting and the stench of freshly spilled blood. She couldn't move at all, the tree pressed right up against her. She couldn't feel one of her back legs or her tail. her ear was throbbing and she whimpered loudly. Her nose was numb, and the only thing she could smell was the blood, she had no clue who or what was currently trying to dig her out or if it was her own mind hallucinating.

"Hello? Who's there? Somebody help me please" The tree gave out another groan and a few branches snapped and then the tree was pushing down on her even more, she tried to draw in a breath only to find that shallow breaths were all she could take, the tree was pressing on her too much to expand to lungs anymore. Panic and claustrophobia raced through her body in time to her rapidly beating heart, her limbs began to shake and convulse as the fear gripped her mind completely.

A hard pain began to radiate from her leg as the tree crushed down upon it. She yelped and began to thrash and wriggle as much as she could, she didn't want to die like this, not pinned underneath a damn tree, she was supposed to die of old age or in a fight to protect the pack, not just a day after she joined. A few tears rolled down her cheeks, the hot salty water cooling instantly and stealing the warmth from her muzzle, just as the snow at her back was doing as it melted into her fur and froze against her skin.

The tree settled into its new position and she was able to calm slightly. An attempt to move backwards had her yelping loudly in more pain as her leg twisted, sending lances of fire through her body. her forepaws clawed at the bark in front her her, trying desperately to create more space.

Splinters and pieces of tree rained down upon her as she attempted to dig upwards through the tree with little success. Soon her paw pads were torn and bleeding, the crimson blood dying her grey paw fur a strange dark red color, slivers of wood had embedded themselves into her fur, unloess shaken out soon they would work themselves into her skin and cause infection.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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