Secret Wonderland

Noah was rather happy that he had gotten a giggle out of the female that made it all worthwhile of trying to get her to say happy about this whole matter he was going though. This was one of the hardest things that he was going though, trying to learn something that his father should have worked with him as a child in learning. His ear shifted as she began to rub at his leg, the male licked her hand thanking her for trying to warm up his leg and loosen the muscles in the injured leg. The silver male looked down to the ground as he thought of how to most please the female. He knew that the only way to really please her was by trying it again over and over till he got it right.

Her words where trying to push him on to make him not give up, the male let his head sway side to side, as she told him how great he was doing, and keep him from giving up, the male knew that by doing this would make her happy, and that was what Noah wanted to do, after all she was taking her time to teach him how to shift the male figure he could just take a bit of a breather and then shift down and try again. He closed his eyes as he lowered her head to where it was laying against the frozen ground. The male sighed trying to figure out what to do, shifting as he rolled slightly to his side, as he felt a sudden surge, a jolt of pain, like a fire burning the fur off his leg, the pain was horrid, It was like someone had an explosion just went off in his face. He snarled as his head jolted up. Then he opened his eyes looking down at the leg, as it had conformed to the rest of his body. He shook his head, looking back to the leg, really did this just happen. He yipped as he yipped and then nipped playfully at the grayscale female.


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