Trapped in my Own Despair.

hope no one minds! ^^

Unfortunately, Adonia had a lot of work to do before the storm hit, and in the midst of the it all she was trying to wrangle up all the horses and making sure they were blanketed and well fed with fresh water. A task she wished she had help on, but surely Jefferson was busy with making sure everything else was done. The Patriarch had a lot on his plate, and she wouldn't have dared to call for him, she had become a little more shy since last she'd called for him. Adonia should have stayed in the barn, but she wanted to get home, she couldn't sleep without her red dog. Just couldn't. As she shut the gate and made sure it was latched she shifted into her lupus form and began to brave the storm. As she moved slowly and patiently through it, she began to look at it from a more pleasant view. She was excited to see how much snow came down, how thick it would be and fun to play it it. With each cold assault she shivered nearly didn't feel it. Her light silky top coat masked the thick down husky fur beneath. She was built to take in this type of weather and she suddenly wondered what was so bad about it. It was now she wasn't in such a hurry to get home.

The wind blew many scents around like a tornado blowing around debris, however it was a certain scent that disturbed her and she stopped her sudden fox-like leap. It was Ookami's, faint, but unmistakable. If she had been around this area earlier, she would have caught the distressed howl, but the wind was furious and masking most sounds that normally would carry for miles. The scent carried a sort of fear to her, and two other scents entered her nostrils, these were scents she had noticed many times, sometimes with Ookami's scent. She wasn't sure of these other wolves so she never showed herself. Adonia was much more shy around those she barely knew, and even around Ookami she was much more shy than she should be, but that was just her personality. In this case though, she wanted to know what was wrong and her direction had changed to find Ookami.

Taking up the duty of tracking them down, she put her nose down to the smells that were quickly being covered by the rapidly falling snow. However, she was patient and had a very strong sense of smell. Her mind focused on the task and she quickly found where the smell lead toward one of the cabins, but they weren't there yet, she new this by how much fresher the smells got, and by faint voices that came to her ears. She lifted her head to see a large black male, then a female who seemed to be dragging something, it was then this something registered her; Ookami. Her body froze in fear, and her body felt butterflies and horror at the same time. It had been awhile since she'd seen Ookami. There were times she came upon his scent, but it was accompanied by others, much like now, however, the situation was entirely different. He was in danger, and it was now she didn't know what to do. Those other times, she would avoid fearing others. She wasn't very social, quite insecure really. Her eyes watched for a moment stay down wind away from the group.

She wanted to help, she wanted to show herself, but what would she say? How would she be helpful? Adonia felt powerless; useless. Her ears fell and she wanted to poof away. Her friend was in trouble, and here she was standing there like a statue.

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