All the Pretty Little Ponies
Ookami laughed lightly and wagged his tail joyfully as Adonia tried to nip him back. As he submitted to her her looked turned to curiosity and she sniffed at him. He let out a small chuckle, then was surprised when she backed away quickly. He cocked his head as she ran away, rolling and snuffling around in the snow. Did I do something? He hoped that he hadn't upset her. He trotted after her, tail up and wagging, ears perked happily and head held high. He was a little more cautious now though. He stopped in front of her, he looked at her and smiled. He stayed there for a moment before leaping towards her, he landed right in front of her then quickly maneuvered his direction and sprung left. He laughed again, and prances around her in a circle. He didn't think much, just focused on having a good time. He wanted to try to get her to okay some more and he looked gently into her eyes. Hers seemed to sparkle happily and also with a tinge of shyness.

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