Trapped in my Own Despair.

WC: 522 5 points

Jace winced internally at how harsh her voice came out and saw the scared reaction from the other doggish looking female, her ears lowering with guilt. Pulling herself to her three working legs, she winced outwardly as she accidentally put weight on her bad leg, immediately lifting it back up against her body where it wouldn't be touched by anything. She limped slowly towards Ookami's body as Kami pulled off the snow wet blanket, berating herself for not thinking of that when he had been dragged in. Looking over her new found friend's pathetic looking unconscious body her one and a half ears flicked back.

She turned away, dragging her tired and weary body into the other room as she heard Kami snap at Adonia in his frustration. The bed brace that she had grabbed the mattress from was made of burnable wood. Even though they had gotten him inside they weren't out of the figurative woods yet. Grabbing one of the beams in her jaws, she twisted hard like she had with the lambs neck earlier, the wood was brittle from years of neglect and was easily snapped off. Her ear turned as she heard Kami once again speaking to Adonia.

Grabbing another beam she twisted until it splintered, her yelp of pain; almost the first she had uttered since finding Ookami what seemed to be hours and hours ago, muffled by the wood in her mouth as sharp pieces cut into her gums and lips. the dust seeped into her nose and made her sneeze violently. She dropped the second piece of broken wood and pawed at her mouth, making sure that no splinters had lodged into her gums or her tongue. She worried for Ookami, where she was from no herbs grew nor did any plants during the long long winter so the majority of the year anyone who fell ill or was injured was almost guaranteed to die, it was a harsh existence where many did not live to the 2 years she had reached.

Seizing the wood she carried it back into the main room and threw it into the fire, she observed the way it caught fire before deeming it suitable to burn and returning for the rest of it. When most of it was in the fire, she put the remaining beam by the fire as a reserve before sitting on her haunches and regarding the other two, an idea forming in her head. She mulled it over before putting it forwards for analysis by the others,

"There are some trees a little bit away from this shack, it it possible we could collect some of the branches and twigs and place them in front of the fire to dry out if they are wet, then if we need them to fuel it further they would be the reserve."

Her gaze returned to Ookami's body, watching the pitiful male and wondering how else she could help, even with his huge body he seemed to look tiny in his unconsciousness. Her tail flicked from side to side as she waited upon the others verdict of her idea.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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