Chasing Flight
Leon inwardly flinched at her harsh tone, but could not blame her. He himself spoke indifferently, usually using the exact same tone. "Were you now?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. "I suppose that is an alright goal." He added, looking up as well. He saw a cloud that resembled flying song bird. 'Now that is interesting.' Leon thought, still staring even as the she-wolf looked at him. He responded this time with mixed emotions of anger and sorrow in his voice, "My name?... Its Leon ven Liudesys..." He lightened his tone then, trying to change the subject. "I was resting beside a small stream when I noticed you, so I thought I'd check on you, miss..." Leon trailed off, waiting for her to decide if she wanted to give him her name or not.

He had been traveling around alone for a long time now, so he was feeling slightly awkward. Leon looked down at the strangers hind foot. 'Her foot definitely is hurt... I wonder what happened to her.' He laid down, keeping his head up, looking into the females gray eyes.

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