To stand upon a riverbank
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OOC: you shoulda told me about this XD I looked over it for some reason.


She followed her mother down the stairs to the front door where she opened it. Then shifted into her lupus form. It was a strange sensation, but not unwelcome. She had, after all, been born to this body. Looking at her mother, she gave the woman a sad smile. She would follow her mother, knowing she’d have a better idea of where to go. Amata still knew this place by heart but things changed and she did not want to lead. She knew her mother was use to it as she was the leader of the whole pack.

I mostly stayed close to home, though I have traveled out of Nova Scotia once or twice. I’ve had many different encounters with all sorts of animals.

She said she had to think to remember what she’d done. She had a good memory, though she had quite a bit of memories that did tend to mesh in as one.

I have been learning to use my healing abilities on not just wolves but other animals so some of their reactions for when I wanted to help them was far from… trustworthy. I’ve actually nearly got bested by an injured chipmunk. Its leg was pulled out of socket by something or another, and I was trying to help it, but it seemed to think I wanted to eat it instead.

Amata giggled thinking about that day. It had been a happen chance encounter, and the chipmunk was already making so much noise. Amata could tell one of its legs had somehow got loose from its socket. She knew it would have been food for someone else, but for Amata… it was much too small to want to eat, so she decided to help, or try. In the end she was able to put the socket back into place, but not without added scratches to her hands and face, though she didn’t know how it was able to scratch there.

By Manda

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