Snowstorm Thread - Sky's House

WC:343 OOC: Come on guys lets liven the place up!

Everyone was worried, scared or uncertain. Shawchert was one of those that was worried. He didn’t show it though, he had to put on a brave face. He looked around at the cramped house, at least it wasn’t as cramped as it had been before when most of the members of the pack had come. He was still frozen from being outside for so long, but it was all well worth every moment when he knew that his pack was safely inside Sky and Mars’ house. He also thought about Ouija, who was most likely in the hunting lodge. He knew the man would be safe there if he stayed in.

Shawchert took up his flute that was tied around his neck and started playing. It was slow, but he tried not to make it a solemn song. He was sure that if he used his music some things would be forgotten, and maybe the storm would not be the first thing on everyone’s mind. He hoped someone would pitch in as well, and it was possible if they wanted to, they could try to celebrate rather than worry, they still lived, they were in a fine, sturdy house. Everything was going to be ok. They had each other and that’s what mattered the most. He thought as he continued to play the flute. His eyes concentrated on his fingers, though they didn’t need any direction from them. He wasn’t sure he wanted to see all the sad faces around him. Maybe if things picked up, that he would be able to look people in the eyes. The storm was raging outside, but inside it was warm and quiet. In fact with all the bodies in one place it was quite warm, and only slightly uncomfortable for the male, but he knew what lay outside for him if he chose that this was too much for him. His fingers moved deftly over the wooden pipe, creating what anyone could only guess. He loved making up tunes, and there was plenty to go around.

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