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WC:219 OOC: Hello, I want to let you know that, though I am replying You may want to read what Savina has PMed you, and that you should fix your thread. Now I’m slightly confused where the father is so let me know if he’s an NPC or just abandoned her ok? Smile

The damage to the whole of AniWaya had been extensive. Liliana had been caring for a newborn foal, which had been born during the storm, and due to that reason it was premature, and sick. Liliana had little time to move about, but she was given a chance from Nayati to get out for a stretch instead of staying next to the poor baby animal, which she kept inside the Town hall for now, as it was warm, and that’s what the young animal needed the most.

She couldn’t help but think of the poor animal the whole time she was out, but something caught her attention. J’adore was talking and she saw that there was a puppy there. One that she didn’t know. She moved closer and saw it was malnourished and she couldn’t help but feel her heart squeeze against her chest, the poor thing must be hungry.

Oh you poor thing, do you need any food? Where are you from? Where are your parents?

She asked moving to them. J’adore seemed to have been rather sad lately, though she knew not why. She wanted to at least make sure the puppy was fed, and though she had confidence in her pack mate, she still wanted to make sure that she helped this puppy out in any way.

Table by Marit


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