ashes to ashes
"You're guessing, Iskata. I don't know what strange pall has fallen over you, but you're giving up hope while hope still lives. If my words are to have no impact on your thoughts, though, I won't utter them. You will do as you will, and you will think as you will. You know what I know of Phoenix, and of Pilot. Is there anything else I can do for you, or do you wish to depart immediately?" He'd be more than happy to catch up with her, but he would understand it if she needed to leave. She was still trying to find her progeny, after all.

"You could rest here a while, though I understand your need to be away. Tell me, was your hunt for FireFly successful?" He knew that at least one of Phoenix's children had survived the fire, presumably having been far removed from the valley when it occurred. It would be better if Phoenix returned shortly, he knew, but he understood that the wolf had to go looking for his children. Regardless of what the mother before him said, wolves had limitations, and while love and desire could push a wolf to test and reach those limits more readily, it could not break them. He had seen too many wolves fight with the belief that their anger or their desperation would actually give them the skill or the strength to defeat a more experienced or larger wolf. These emotions uncovered the wolf's true limitations--provided they hadn't discovered them already--but did not change them. Phoenix had pushed those limits before. Skoll did not believe he was capable of wide sweeping psychic search Iskata suggested.

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