Trapped in my Own Despair.

WC: 505 5 points

She pulled her head away at the whine of pain, her good ear rotating, her bad one remaining in its lowered position. Her head bobbed at the thank you and she rested it back down on her paws, her eyes closing. Now he had moved to sit up more of the fire's heat could reach her, sinking through her thick fur to warm her skin and bones. She dozed lightly as Ookami tended to his own wounds, all they could do now was wait for Kami and Adonia to come back with whatever Adonia could supply from her home.

She opened her eyes as he spoke again, looking up at him with her head still resting on her paws. His tired gaze met her exhausted one and she smiled faintly before lifting her head up although she remained laying down. Her tail flicked idly, the brown tip moving back and forth across the mattress. She frowned slightly at his question, having to rack her brain for the answer to it then relaying it to him,

"Adonia and Kami left to get some firewood, medicinal supplies and maybe some food from Adonia's cabin, I agreed to stay here and watch the fire and yourself. Well more likely I was told to stay here and watch the fire." Her lopsided smile from earlier was back in place. They lapsed into silence once again and she again closed her eyes, basking in the heat given off by the fire until his whine of pain brought her good ear rotating towards him,

"My pain most likely won't ever leave fully, that tree was not kind to my body. I fear the damage to my leg was too great but at least I am alive and mostly unharmed." She observed his leg as he did, seeing where the ankle joint had popped out, although it looked as though more damage than a dislocated ankle had occurred. She gave no answer to his request for help; she lacked the energy to shift any longer, having tried earlier and gotten nowhere. With no warning she suddenly lashed forwards and grabbed his leg between her jaws, jerked her head pulling the joint back into place and pushing it up into the socket with a sickly sound. Quickly and with no warning was best and it gave the body no time to tense and both worsen and prolong the pain.

She pulled her head back almost as quickly as she had shoved it forwards, meaning to move her face out of range should he snap at her for the sudden pain. She did not want any more scars to disfigure her face or tear her ears although she was not vain about it, her looks were not her pride and joy as she had seem some wolfess' were but she would like to retain some semblance of looking like a female instead of a battle worn warrior. Her eyes pleaded for forgiveness from the golden male for the no warning of pain to come.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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