[AW] Shattered Silence

No problemSmile OOC: I konw the feeling.


Jaden stayed crouched in front of Slade while he listened to the coyote speak. There was still no fear in his voice or submission in his stance. The Optime began to wonder how far he could take this. If Slade continued to be so brave and unwilling to submit, how much could he safely punish this canine? The root of the question lay in whether Cercatori D’Arte would come after him if he ruffed Slade up a little. He knew nothing of them and what they were capable of. So, he decided to play it safe and not do anything deadly or horribly crippling, which he hadn’t planned on anyway. Slade didn’t know that though, and that is what Jaden counted on.

With a steel look to hold Slade’s eyes, he smoothly reached down to the sheath on his shoulder strap and drew the dagger he had with the soft sound of metal on leather. With another quick movement, the dagger’s silver blade rested against the coyote’s throat. Jaden pressed down lightly to help arm his calm words. “You are a very brave coyote. As a matter of fact, you’re the first one I’ve ever met who is not a COMPLETE sniveling coward.” Jaden chuckled as if there was not a weapon in his hand and grinned sharply, “Now,” He sighed, “there is a point where bravery crosses into stupidity. You would not be stupid enough to lie to me, would you Slade?” He pressed the blade into the light colored fur again. “Because I really don’t like liars.”

Once Jaden stopped speaking; he realized how quiet it had gotten in the cold woods around him. Not another creature stirred besides the two of them. It was such a beautiful night. Jaden was really enjoying this too. Although he had left the life of killing behind him, it felt good to act like an ass. There was nothing for him to fear out here. Besides, he would probably never see this coyote again after they were done here.

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