Something's Gotta Give


How dared the little shit to snarl at her? Deep rubies narrowed greatly and pupils shrunk until they were nearly invisible in seas of boiling crimson. The long blade that had been drawn out from caution now received a different response from the secure hand wielding it. The metal glinted hungrily as it twisted; sharp edge darting towards the male in response to the youth’s bold encounter. It was more defensive than aggressive, for the boy had crossed her invisible boundaries. Red followed the true threat in the picture though; watched the woman duck down and scoop up handfuls of gravel. Hand had already darted up to protect her face from the incoming, horizontal rain of dirt, rock and snow.

Lips parted and revealed glistering white rage in the form of jagged canines, for this was definitely an attack on an Inferni member on clan grounds. The wolf was up close to her now, gripping for her weapon hand. Unfortunately things wouldn’t be so easy. Halo spun, always keeping the young Soul male in mind as she stepped closer to the attacking wolf and forcing the other’s body to come between the young male, strong muscles forcing the female with if she wanted to make a serious attempt at removing the sword from the hybrid’s grasp. Jolting her blade and hand backwards to draw the wolf towards her with force, her knee dashed up and sideways, aiming to crush against the attacking woman’s kidney.

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