Let The Water Fill our Lungs,
'You know what I meant' he said with a breif smile, 'No killing, or maiming. Only small injuries...' He paused again frowning and sighing afterwards, 'But if you took up that offer, you'd have to wait till I found a better weapon'. He frowned, his knifes were not for fighting, they were strictly for prepping meat.

'So...' J'adore mused afterr a few moments of silence, 'What brought you over here?' He didn't need to know, he was just curious. He was well aware this territory lay beside Inferni's side, but she could have gone to a similar place in her pack lands.

Then again he was hanging around here for no reason. It wasn't uncommon for a person to find themselves away from their homes. J'adore himself did it alot.

J'adore's tail swished lazily, the breeze waved his mane, again pushing a lock of chocolate tinted black into his eyeline.

The view was beautiful, though not a patch on the Barcelona sunsets. They were something. The reds and yellows and oranges blended together in the sky like a giant spanish flag. The Nova Scotia skyline burned in similar shades, but messy and blended, and a lot more washed out.

J'adore still couldn't help feeling homesick.

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