Let The Water Fill our Lungs,


The fine line on her lips lost its gentle curve, turning strictly horizontal at his words. Yes, the copper hued woman with the deep crimson gaze inherited by a true monster that had once been her idol and hero. Strange how time flew and formed the shapes in her life. ”You misunderstand,” she revealed, itching to draw the impressive blade so that she could see his relaxed form find fear. She missed the war—missed feeling like the immortal deity on the battlefield. There were people she still aimed to impress, even a certain monster that was no longer around. It was too twisted, but her heart and mind rarely followed logic alone.

”When I use my sword I aim to kill,” tones offered the possibility of this scene’s ending, but she had yet to make up her mind. It almost made her chuckle at the thought that he believed she would waste time on a friendly spar. The Inferni lands harboured the best warriors in the lands as far as she knew, and she was definitely one of the best overall. There was no way she would hold back in a friendly session with another, much less one of lupus blood and the stench of wolf pack. He was already an enemy whether he wanted to or not.

His question was received poorly as well. ”I have as much right to walk on this soil just as you,” if not more. She sneered, perfect white teeth peeking through parted jaws. Seeing negative emotion and intention everywhere, but Halo had no reason to trust anyone but herself and her clan. She had never been given a reason to do differently.

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