Let The Water Fill our Lungs,
He ingored her first comments. Flicking his ears away in disintrest at fighting talk. They flicked back as she mentioned her last peice of information, 'I didnt say you didn't, just wondering if you came for something specific'. His answer was simple, if she came for something specific why was she conversing with him? He'd just answered his own question, but he waited for her own version.

His golden eyelids closed over his milky white eyes. The sea lapped against the rocks below, the only thing he was concious about was the woman's blade.

He nodded suddenely, 'Yes, I doubt you carry that blade around for decoration'. It was a nice blade, well crafted and simple. He wished he had a blade, he could always go and find one but his time table was filled up.

He was sharing similar thoughts to the female, he could tell she was tiring of this game and so was he. He didn't want to fight, if she attacked he would though. His knifes were just inside his open bag, he could reach them in time if needed. H ehoped he wouldn't though, he had no use for scars.

'If you want a good fight, go to Aanathema and find Alaki' he said smiling plainly, 'He's a good fighter'.

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