I get knocked down, but I get up again [p]
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ground.png)" width="377" cellpadding="13" cellspacing="0">
Hehe, exactly. Absolutely LOVE your set by the way, especially the sexy sig :o

Mew ran, blood trickling from her ear, it feeling slightly numb, but she thought nothing of it, adrenaline pumping in her system. More present was the dull thumping from her neck where she had been bit - though not particularly hard or deep, it covered a larger and more sensitive area. The muscles there hadn't liked it one bit. Face also throbbing with the blows she had received, Mew was sure she probably looked like hell by now. Still she was feeling fine, but startled at how the other completely ignored her damaged leg. She was one twisted soul, that was for sure. And she blatantly wasn't joking about the whole cannibalism thing. Four paws hit the ground as she ran, but while doing so, paying no attention to the taunting comments behind her, the other somehow managed to catch up with her. Pain bolted through her body as teeth sunk into her shoulder. She didn't have time for petty word-games now, that was for sure. Abruptly shoving the opposite shoulder blade into the attacker's face, she somehow twisted out of her grip, painfully, realizing the damage would increase because of it, but she did it nonetheless. She could live with scars, as long as she lived, her and her litter. Mostly the litter. She would not allow them to become food for some half-crazed ignorant bitch. Throwing the other female off her, she spun around and grabbed hold of the damaged foot again. Surely, the other couldn't just feel.. no pain at all? She would bite this leg off if she had to, she was not the losing side in this fight; she couldn't afford it. Biting hard, shaking with her neck to disorient the female and to make sure the wound was deep enough, her teeth tore into flesh and muscles. With a growl she violently ripped her teeth out again, opening a large gash on the other's leg. Then she turned to run again, not looking back. Adrenaline was helping her a long way at this point, and she realized she would be exhausted in not long, if she didn't sort this out. How far had she walked? She hadn't paid attention... If she died, it would be from exhaustion, and not by the jaws of this intoxicated inferni.


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