[M] SNAP!!
I'm. SO. Sorry. for the lateness

Alaki bursted into flames as J'adore mentined his necklace, at it grew more and more, supressed anger turning into open profanities towards the Spaniard, or so the tan male said he was. The intruder still tried to reason with the gray warrior, but the Russian knew it was done for. The way his blue eyes stared murderously at the AniWayan was enough for Liev's muscles to tense further, antecipating the furious attack from his packmate.

"Brace yourself." He spoke, warning the tan Ferrari male of the unstopable force ready to blow from the darker Anatheman, and to the soon-to-be attacker, for he would put an end to this fight, no matter who would start it, or if he got himself wounded in the process. He would not allow unecessary bloodspill. And if it happened, the ex-Captain would make sure Naniko would be hearing about it.

The three lonely souls in the scene were mentally and physically prepared for that battle, iminent as it was to all of them. One was enfuriated beyond reason and common sense, completely unacceptable to a warrior. One wasn't exactly hesitant, but didn't wish for that fight; not that he would back down when things blew up. The remaining one was in a gray state. He did not wished to take sides in that threeway fight: he wanted to keep the mess to a minimun.

And all he wanted was a calm morning of trainning on his new-adquired skills.

But as the saying said, nothing turns out the way you want...

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