you've got nowhere to go but here
Hope you don't mind if I join! Optime form by the time she finds him. 3+

What was an hour or five outside of her home? She was feeling better. Her ribs didn't hurt nearly as much as they had once upon a winter morning. She lacked a headache, which was wonderful. After resting, though she hadn't really rested, she felt she deserved some time away. As her body contracted and slimmed, her mind took inventory of each ache that arose in her bones. She hoped they were nothing.

Off she sprang, dashing through the snowy Dampwoods, around fallen trees and over rotted logs. It was exhilarating to move at her highest speeds, air whipping through her fur and making it hard to breathe. Laughter filtered out of her cream-masked muzzle, her body taking a tumble into the snow once or maybe twice.

The trip took an hour on its own, and by the time she reached Halifax, she was slowing down. Her body stopped in its steps, elongating and spreading out over more distance. Two legs was simply easier to move about on in smaller places, at home or in the ruins of the city. She wasn't sure what had brought her to Halifax. Search for more skulls?

That was an idea. More skulls for the Inferni borders, but where? Her eyes swiped over the skeletons of buildings, searching for places she might best find one of the coveted craniums. The choice was a strange one, but she gravitated toward a smaller building, one that lacked a door.

The winds that had whipped her auburn curls around outside didn't penetrate the walls of the house she had entered, but there was something new on the air in exchange. A smell, a clear one, and a strange one. Her eyes narrowed slightly; perhaps she had entered someone's current home, but it could just be a strange coincidence. "No need to leave yet," she murmured, her words hidden under her breath.

She was startled by the loud noise of someone tearing through...well, something. Her black-rimmed ears swiveled toward the noise, crimson gaze searching for the culprit. Curiosity, as usual, covered her sense of self-preservation as her legs carried her to the offending sound. Was someone there? The kitchen was where she found him, a mottled mass of black and grey and whatever else that made up his fur. A stranger to her eyes, but maybe not a stranger to the lands. "Are you looking for something, little boy?"


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