Viligance and Love

No problem

The tan male smiled at the small pup before turning his white eyes up to his father, 'No, I was just resting, hope Im not causing strife'. His tone was the usual light sort, comforting, reassuring and friendly, depite the horrible events of the past few days.

The pup peered out from his fathers legs, J'adore gave another smile, this time more solemn. Gloria once again crossed his mind, this time he would not find the feeling the caramel male he had just encountered obviously had. Not this time anyhow, maybe later.

'I am J'adore Austral of AniWaya. I was just out walking...' he stumbled at the end, strugling to continue, 'I've been cooped up indoors since the storm hit'. He was happy with his reply, he had followed his bullet points, 1: Assert your innocence, 2: State your name and pack, 3: Give your reason for being where you are. These were things he followed to the T.

His milky eyes stayed on the caramel male, he didn't seem like the person to attack, especially not in the company of a child. He was sure he was around Cours, maybe this was one of the members. Well two.

Noticing finally the male was in hi Secui form, he politely shifted, with his eyes closed in thought.

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