Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid.
((ooc: Lazy vannah no want to dig out code for table. LOL wc:504))

He hadn't been paying attention until the yelp and following snarl made him jump. Bi-colored eyes were wide, staring at the stranger who'd appeared. Her posture set the tone for his own, and he raised his tail in warning, his ears lowering slightly in almost threat but not quite. Overall, his posture was protective. Luckily, where she stood, he was already between the stranger and the den where Liam slept. His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at her. She didn't speak. Finally, the male spoke, his voice rough with infrequent use. "What are you doing here?" He didn't realize, but at her yelp the pup inside the den had awoken. Liam poked his head out of the den opening, a small muddy spot with big blue eyes. The pup was still covered in his downy fur, his eyes blinking sleepily.

Tal studied the female, his posture unchanging. He already knew he would die to protect his son. His love for the pup was fierce and unwavering. All his life, Tal had been more laid back and even tempered than most. With the death of Liadain and Brighid, his easy going nature had changed overnight, becoming more wary and less welcoming. He understood his mother's fear of the coyotes now, and her hatred of them. Tal didn't hate Azza, he just didn't understand the male's choices when it came to Kira. Tal and the pups hadn't been a threat to her oldest son. There had been no reason to kill Liadain. There had been no reason to try and kill any of them. He'd wanted to be a father figure to the male. He hadn't wanted to be viewed as a threat.

It was snowing again. It drifted down in big wet flakes, collecting unseen on his white coat. It wasn't a blizzard like the one that Brighid had died during. Tal had never seen a storm like that. He actually found himself missing the milder weather of the lands he'd left. A flake landed on his nose, and his tongue darted out, clearing it away. A feather drifted down, landing between the two, like some kind of omen. The movement drew the male's gaze away from the female and to the feather. A hawk's pin feather laid between them, a line in the snow. Tal's gaze moved back to the female, his eyes almost seeming to dare her to cross the line in the snow. And yet there were secrets and mysteries hidden in his bi-colored orbs that danced and glittered behind the dare, behind the protective stance.

Liam could sense his father's wariness. It seemed his dad was always wary and nervous and scared. He wanted to go out and join the two adults who were facing each other. He sniffled softly, wanting to see what was going on, but not wanting to get in his dad's way. Finally, he settled for laying down in the den's opening, where he could see between his dad's legs to the other wolf standing there.

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