Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid.
Quote:Ooc: OMG! I heart your writing. Big Grin and that’s alright, I no have table. Haha.

The she wolf made a staring contest with the other, her eyes concentrated on seeing the male for what and who he was. A wolf, but different, somehow, he was different and that difference made her semi threatening stance falter in its hold. When the male spoke her stance tightened back into an aggressive and protective form.

She growled her answer, “What I usually end up doing when I come face to face with a stranger.” She snapped; that bloody bird, I always have to follow that damn thing. Her ears lowered with her lifted lips, her fangs glimmering slightly in their bareness.

In all her aggression, when she saw, no, more like heard the young creature make its way to see the commotion from outside its den she froze. Her ears pointed in sudden realization of the young cub hidden away with in the den behind the male wolf.

“You’re with cub,” She blurted out with almost uncharacteristic glee.

Snow fell amongst them, blanketing her timber colored coat with blotches of soft white powder. She raised her eyes up to the sky once more; taking her attention from the male wolf, she watched as a single feather fluttered down to the ground and landed between the two of them. She watched the feather’s path and stared at it once it came to settle upon the snow.

She breathed in, and looked between the reddish brown feather and the snowy white wolf. While gazing upon the brute her eyes took a stead swagger toward where the little fuzz ball of a pup stayed. Her tail began to melt into a wagging motion, a slight playfulness enveloped around her persona. She did not want the young thing to see a fight, and so she raised her head and met the brute’s gaze.

“I don’t mean you harm,” she said sincerely, her anger melting away from her voice’s tone. She spoke gently, “I was chasing a…” She looked down at the hawk feather, “Well, I was chasing the hawk that left that.”

She wagged her tail in eagerness to prove to the protective male that she meant no harm for him or his cub, she would not dare harm a little one, nor would she allow one to witness bloodshed. She did not want any bloodshed to be shed before the young ones eyes, so she placed her stoic self aside and shed her crudeness to place upon her personality a more gentle and warm persona.

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