London Bridge is Falling Down
Out of Character

Herp a derp derp..

In Character

"Me neither," She smiled, glad to have some thing in common with the male. The girl laid back, causing particles of sand to stick to the tips of her fur. She fidgeted as her sensitive ears touched the sand, the warmth she was beginning to feel being drained. Her lids fell over her eyes during the silence, inviting her in to the dark. She knew better then to fall asleep this close to the ocean.. For all she knew it could be high tied.

She sat back up, blinking at him through glazed eyes. "Spanish, huh? I know a bit of that." Being a wanderer it was hard not to pick up some things here and there. She only knew a few of the base words, as well as the names for certain objects. "Hit me with what ever you've got; I don't know the names of any specific ones." In some ways she took in his childish behavior like a breath of fresh air. There was never time for her to be a child anymore. Some times she wished to just have to ability to do some thing outrageous. Yuki had reasons to act like more of an adult now.. With 'Valley and all. She sighed, her thoughts having got the voices going again. She pretended to be listening as the rambled on about all the cons of being 'tied down'- They had a strange way of knowing when she was attempting to block them out.

"Think." Wink. "Talk."

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