Brought myself back again
It's all good ^^

The boy was whimpering as he huddled against his father. Tal nuzzled the boy as he wrapped his body around the pup to warm and protect him. The door opening went unnoticed until the gasp was heard. The snowy male looked up, his bi-colored eyes startled. His body tensed protectively around his son at the sight of the coyote. He didn't harbor the hatred of their species that his mother did, but he was wary of them. The stories his mother told about them were burned into his memory. Liam looked sleepily up at the woman, then laid his head down on his father's paws, closing his eyes. She backed away, settling against a wall, and the male relaxed some, his posture losing most of it's tension. ”We came up from the's so much milder there. We were quite startled by the weather ourselves.” His tone was mild, though his eyes didn't miss a movement she made. He would forever be wary of the coyotes and their kin. The male was confused by her reference to someone testing them, though, and he couldn't quite hold back his somewhat baffled expression. ”By she...are you meaning Rhiannon? Or someone else?” He was somewhat a worshiper of Rhiannon, though his mother hadn't taken the time to teach him all Her ways as she had Dierdre, her oldest daughter. She'd taught him all the old legends, though. And she'd taught him to read. Those were valuable things to know....except when it came to the real world.

When it came to the real world, no one had ever told him about things like had happened to him. No one ever told the male about females like Kira, about males like Odadio and Azza. No one had told him he would lose his heart, or that the pups would be his world, that he'd be so protective of them, and so utterly heartbroken if something happened to them. Even now, having decided that the coyote was harmless, he still kept his son protectively between his paws. Liam was the only survivor of the three. Tal would die before letting harm come to the pup. It was his son, his only son, and he wasn't about to lose the boy because of his own stupidity. Losing the girls had been hard enough for the male.


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