
She tried to think of others who had left and who were still accepted in the family that had, in its own way, raised her to the uncomfortable age of maturity she had reached. She could think of none. They all came back to the fold. But this coyote, this crazy thing she stared at with Massacre eyes, hadn't. He seemed so adamant that he was Lykoi, but he chose to live on the outside. She wondered if God looked on him with the same favor that He did Gabriel, or the rest of her home. He was still coyote, perhaps more-so than even she was, and that left him with some respect.

His question went unanswered by the russet female, her gaze falling behind him and into the darkness of the cave he had appeared from. How many times had she left the same home, to wander alone for months? If he was not a Lykoi, then she couldn't claim that right herself. But she had been forgiven, and perhaps that reinstalled her name to her soul. Her expression turned solemn. It was a question she could pose to what was left of her family at a later time, and Gabriel would have an answer like he always did. Gabriel was God, and he knew everything about everything, and she went to him for guidance without thinking that someday, someday, he wouldn't have the answers she needed.

Blind faith led her to the thoughts she held about others, and she wondered what this relative held faith in. Silent, she moved closer, approaching the cave rather than the coyote himself. The mental degradation of her family members was not unknown to her, but she had never seen it so full-blown as she did in the male who was now beside her. "Who are you?" she asked, a question that she should have wondered first.


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